Create a Basic Program, Part 1 - Handle Instruction Data

Summary #

  • Most programs support multiple discrete instruction handlers (sometimes just referred to as 'instructions') - these are functions inside your program
  • Rust enums are often used to represent each instruction handler
  • You can use the borsh crate and the derive attribute to provide Borsh deserialization and serialization functionality to Rust structs
  • Rust match expressions help create conditional code paths based on the provided instruction.

Lesson #

One of the fundamental elements of a Solana program is the logic for handling instruction data. Most programs support multiple functions, also called instruction handlers. For example, a program may have different instruction handlers for creating a new piece of data versus deleting the same piece of data. Programs use differences in instruction data to determine which instruction handler to execute.

Since instruction data is provided to your program's entry point as a byte array, it's common to create a Rust data type to represent instructions in a more usable format throughout your code. This lesson will guide you through setting up such a type, deserializing the instruction data into this format, and executing the appropriate instruction handler based on the instruction passed into the program's entry point.

Rust Basics #

Before diving into the specifics of a basic Solana program, let's cover the Rust basics that will be used throughout this lesson.

Variables #

Variable assignment in Rust is done using the let keyword.

let age = 33;

By default, variables in Rust are immutable, meaning their value cannot be changed once set. To create a variable that can be changed later, use the mut keyword. Defining a variable with this keyword allows its stored value to change.

// Compiler will throw an error
let age = 33;
age = 34;
// This is allowed
let mut mutable_age = 33;
mutable_age = 34;

The Rust compiler ensures that immutable variables cannot change, so you don't have to track it yourself. This makes your code easier to reason through and simplifies debugging.

Structs #

A struct (short for structure) is a custom data type that lets you package together and name multiple related values that make up a meaningful group. Each piece of data in a struct can be of different types, and each has a name associated with it. These pieces of data are called fields and behave similarly to properties in other languages.

struct User {
    active: bool,
    email: String,
    age: u64

To use a struct after it's defined, create an instance of the struct by specifying concrete values for each of the fields.

let mut user1 = User {
    active: true,
    email: String::from(""),
    age: 36

To get or set a specific value from a struct, use dot notation.

user1.age = 37;

You can check out the struct examples for in depth understanding.

Enumerations #

Enumerations (or Enums) are a data struct that allows you to define a type by enumerating its possible variants. An example of an enum might look like:

enum LightStatus {

The LightStatus enum has two possible variants in this example: On or Off.

You can also embed values into enum variants, similar to adding fields to a struct.

enum LightStatus {
    On {
        color: String
let light_status = LightStatus::On { color: String::from("red") };

In this example, setting a variable to the On variant of LightStatus requires also setting the value of color. You can check out more examples of using enums in Rust by visiting this Rust by Example page on enums.

Match statements #

Match statements are very similar to switch statements in other languages. The

match statement allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches the value. Patterns can be made of literal values, variable names, wildcards, and more. The match statement must include all possible scenarios; otherwise, the code will not compile.

enum Coin {
fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25

Implementations #

The impl keyword is used in Rust to define a type's implementations. Functions and constants can both be defined in an implementation.

struct Example {
    number: i32
impl Example {
    fn boo() {
        println!("boo! Example::boo() was called!");
    fn answer(&mut self) {
        self.number += 42;
    fn get_number(&self) -> i32 {

The boo function here can only be called on the type itself rather than an instance of the type, like so:


Meanwhile, answer requires a mutable instance of Example and can be called with dot syntax:

let mut example = Example { number: 3 };

Traits and attributes #

You won't be creating your own traits or attributes at this stage, so an in-depth explanation isn't necessary. However, you will be using the derive attribute macro and some traits provided by the borsh crate, so it's important to have a high-level understanding of each.

Traits describe an abstract interface that types can implement. If a trait defines a function bark() and a type adopts that trait, the type must implement the bark() function.

Attributes add metadata to a type and can be used for many different purposes.

When you add the derive attribute to a type and provide one or more supported traits, code is generated under the hood to automatically implement the traits for that type. We'll provide a concrete example of this shortly.

Representing Instructions as a Rust Data Type #

Now that we've covered the Rust basics, let's apply them to Solana programs.

More often than not, programs will have more than one instruction handler. For example, you may have a program that acts as the backend for a note-taking app. Assume this program accepts instructions for creating a new note, updating an existing note, and deleting an existing note.

Since instructions have discrete types, they're usually a great fit for an enum data type.

enum NoteInstruction {
    CreateNote {
        title: String,
        body: String,
        id: u64
    UpdateNote {
        title: String,
        body: String,
        id: u64
    DeleteNote {
        id: u64

Notice that each variant of the NoteInstruction enum comes with embedded data that will be used by the program to accomplish the tasks of creating, updating, and deleting a note, respectively.

Deserialize Instruction Data #

Instruction data is passed to the program as a byte array, so you need a way to deterministically convert that array into an instance of the instruction enum type.

In previous units, we used Borsh for client-side serialization and deserialization. To use Borsh program-side, we use the borsh crate. This crate provides traits for BorshDeserialize and BorshSerialize that you can apply to your types using the derive attribute.

To make deserializing instruction data simple, you can create a struct representing the data and use the derive attribute to apply the BorshDeserialize trait to the struct. This implements the methods defined in BorshDeserialize, including the try_from_slice method that we'll be using to deserialize the instruction data.

Remember, the struct itself needs to match the structure of the data in the byte array.

struct NoteInstructionPayload {
    id: u64,
    title: String,
    body: String

Once this struct has been created, you can create an implementation for your instruction enum to handle the logic associated with deserializing instruction data. It's common to see this done inside a function called unpack that accepts the instruction data as an argument and returns the appropriate instance of the enum with the deserialized data.

It's standard practice to structure your program to expect the first byte (or other fixed number of bytes) to be an identifier for which instruction handler the program should run. This could be an integer or a string identifier. For this example, we'll use the first byte and map integers 0, 1, and 2 to the instruction handlers for create, update, and delete, respectively.

impl NoteInstruction {
    // Unpack inbound buffer to associated Instruction
    // The expected format for input is a Borsh serialized vector
    pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        // Take the first byte as the variant to
        // determine which instruction handler to execute
        let (&variant, rest) = input.split_first().ok_or(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?;
        // Use the temporary payload struct to deserialize
        let payload = NoteInstructionPayload::try_from_slice(rest)
            .map_err(|_| ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?;
        // Match the variant to determine which data struct is expected by
        // the function and return the TestStruct or an error
        match variant {
            0 => Ok(Self::CreateNote {
                title: payload.title,
                body: payload.body,
            1 => Ok(Self::UpdateNote {
                title: payload.title,
                body: payload.body,
            2 => Ok(Self::DeleteNote { id: }),
            _ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),

There's a lot in this example so let's take it one step at a time:

  1. This function starts by using the split_first function on the input parameter to return a tuple. The first element, variant, is the first byte from the byte array and the second element, rest, is the rest of the byte array.
  2. The function then uses the try_from_slice method on NoteInstructionPayload to deserialize the rest of the byte array into an instance of NoteInstructionPayload called payload
  3. Finally, the function uses a match statement on variant to create and return the appropriate enum instance using information from payload. Each valid variant (0, 1, 2) corresponds to a specific NoteInstruction variant, while any other value results in an error.

There is Rust syntax in this function that we haven't explained yet. The ok_or, map_err, and ? operators are used for error handling:

  • ok_or: Converts an Option to a Result. If the Option is None, it returns the provided error. Otherwise, it returns the Some value as Ok.

  • map_err: Transforms the error of a Result by applying a function to the error. It leaves the Ok value unchanged.

  • ? operator: Unwraps a Result or Option. If it's Ok or Some, it returns the value. If it's an Err or None, it propagates the error up to the calling function.

Program logic #

With a method to deserialize instruction data into a custom Rust type, you can use appropriate control flow to execute different code paths in your program based on the instruction passed into the program's entry point.

pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Note program entrypoint");
    // Call unpack to deserialize instruction_data
    let instruction = NoteInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
    // Match the returned data struct to what you expect
    match instruction {
        NoteInstruction::CreateNote { title, body, id } => {
             msg!("Instruction: Create Note");
            // Execute program code to create a note
        NoteInstruction::UpdateNote { title, body, id } => {
            msg!("Instruction: Update Note");
            // Execute program code to update a note
        NoteInstruction::DeleteNote { id } => {
            msg!("Instruction: Delete Note");
            // Execute program code to delete a note

For simple programs with one or two instructions, placing logic inside the match statement may suffice. However, for programs with many instructions, it is advisable to write the logic for each instruction handler in a separate function and call it from within the match statement.

Program File Structure #

The Hello World lesson demonstrated a program simple enough to be confined to one file. As program complexity grows, maintaining a readable and extensible project structure becomes crucial. This involves encapsulating code into functions and data structures, and grouping related code into separate files.

For instance, instruction definition and deserialization code should reside in its own file, separate from the entry point. This approach might result in two files: one for the program entry point and another for the instruction handler.


When splitting your program into multiple files, register all files in a central location, typically in Each file must be registered this way.
// Inside
pub mod instruction;

Additionally, use the pub keyword to make declarations available for use statements in other files.

pub enum NoteInstruction { ... }

Lab #

For this lesson's lab, you'll build the first half of the Movie Review program from Module 1, focusing on deserializing instruction data. The next lesson will cover the remaining implementation.

1. Entry point #

Using Solana Playground, clear everything in the current file if it's still populated from the previous lesson. Then, bring in the following crates and define the program's entry point using the entrypoint macro.
use solana_program::{
// Entry point is a function call process_instruction
// Inside
pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8]
) -> ProgramResult {

2. Deserialize instruction data #

Define your supported instructions and implement a deserialization function. Create a new file called, and add use statements for BorshDeserialize and ProgramError, and create a MovieInstruction enum with an AddMovieReview variant that includes title, rating, and description values.
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize};
use solana_program::program_error::ProgramError;
pub enum MovieInstruction {
    AddMovieReview {
        title: String,
        rating: u8,
        description: String

Next, define a MovieReviewPayload struct as an intermediary type for deserialization. Use the derive attribute macro to provide a default implementation for the BorshDeserialize trait.

struct MovieReviewPayload {
    title: String,
    rating: u8,
    description: String

Finally, implement the MovieInstruction enum by defining a unpack function that takes a byte array and returns a Result type. This function should:

  1. Split the first byte from the array using split_first.
  2. Deserialize the remaining array into a MovieReviewPayload instance.
  3. Use a match statement to return the AddMovieReview variant of MovieInstruction if the first byte is 0, otherwise return a program error.
impl MovieInstruction {
    // Unpack inbound buffer to associated Instruction
    // The expected format for input is a Borsh serialized vector
    pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
         // Ensure the input is not empty and split off the first byte (instruction variant)
        let (&variant, rest) = input.split_first()
        // Attempt to deserialize the remaining input into a MovieReviewPayload
        let payload = MovieReviewPayload::try_from_slice(rest)
            .map_err(|_| ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData)?;
        // Match on the instruction variant to construct the appropriate MovieInstruction
        match variant {
            0 => Ok(Self::AddMovieReview {
                title: payload.title,
                rating: payload.rating,
                description: payload.description,
            // If the variant doesn't match any known instruction, return an error
            _ => Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),

3. Program logic #

Return to to handle the program logic now that instruction deserialization is set up. Register the file in and bring the MovieInstruction type into scope.

pub mod instruction;
use instruction::{MovieInstruction};

Next, define an add_movie_review function that takes program_id, accounts, title, rating, and description as arguments, and returns a ProgramResult. For now, log these values, and we'll revisit the function implementation in the next lesson.

pub fn add_movie_review(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    title: String,
    rating: u8,
    description: String
) -> ProgramResult {
    // Logging instruction data that was passed in
    msg!("Adding movie review...");
    msg!("Title: {}", title);
    msg!("Rating: {}", rating);
    msg!("Description: {}", description);

Finally, call add_movie_review from process_instruction, unpack the instruction using the unpack method, and use a match statement to ensure the instruction is the AddMovieReview variant.

pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8]
) -> ProgramResult {
    // Unpack called
    let instruction = MovieInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
    // Match against the data struct returned into `instruction` variable
    match instruction {
        MovieInstruction::AddMovieReview { title, rating, description } => {
            // Make a call to `add_move_review` function
            add_movie_review(program_id, accounts, title, rating, description)

With this, your program should now log the instruction data when a transaction is submitted. Build and deploy your program from Solana Playground as in the last lesson. If your program ID hasn't changed, it will deploy to the same ID. To deploy to a different address, generate a new program ID before deploying.

Build and deploy your program from Solana Program just like in the last lesson. If you haven't changed the program ID since going through the last lesson, it will automatically deploy to the same ID. If you'd like it to have a separate address, you can generate a new program ID from the playground before deploying.

You can test your program by submitting a transaction with the right instruction data. For that, feel free to use this script or the frontend we built in the Serialize Custom Instruction Data lesson. In both cases, make sure you copy and paste the program ID for your program into the appropriate area of the source code to make sure you're testing the right program.

Take your time with this lab before moving on, and feel free to reference the solution code if you get stuck.

Challenge #

Replicate the Student Intro program from Module 1 for this lesson's challenge. The program takes a user's name and a short message as instruction_data and creates an account to store the data on-chain.

Using what you've learned, build the Student Intro program to the point where it prints the name and message to the program logs when invoked.

You can test your program by building the frontend we created in the Serialize Custom Instruction Data lesson and checking the program logs on Solana Explorer. Replace the program ID in the frontend code with your deployed program ID.

Try to do this independently if you can! But if you get stuck, feel free to reference the solution code.

Completed the lab?

Push your code to GitHub and tell us what you thought of this lesson!